If Toddlers were Coworkers

Is it too soon for jokes!? I feel like now is as good of time as any to lighten the mood, so let’s play a game.

In such a time as this, not dwelling on the bad or uncertain and finding “glass half-full” things to occupy one’s mind is very important. While we are not yet in the quarantine up here in Alaska, we are certainly not going out and about and minimizing our social interactions as much as possible. Realistically, it’s not that different than any other time in the past two years of the #tripletlife, when we did our best to keep the girls healthy during cold and flu season and on their strict daily eat/nap/play schedule.

Still working on our social distancing

Craig and I both went into work this week; luckily we both have offices with shut-able doors and can easily complete work without in-person socializing. I’m sure at-home working will be any day now and other states are already implementing it where possible- I, for one, am not too concerned about it, since staying at home for two months of bed rest turned out to be easy for me (minus the whole uncomfortable pregnancy part). On the work end, it was completely doable and very productive; and yes, pre-children. But another point to that effect…can I say NANNY? That is a key part of all of this working with my sanity still intact.

In honor of what I jokingly call our impending “cornona-dome” situation, i.e. requiring people to stay home and work from home for a while…let’s play a little game for those of you that are already in the trenches:

What if you take current toddler activities and replace it with “my coworker?”

Craig gave me the idea and it really cracks me up.

For example, after playing outside and in the cold, the girls will warm up in the living room, snow suits and all, and play with bowls of snow. So this would be:

My coworker is laying on the floor, eating snow out of a bowl with a spoon. She spilled the bowl and is now laying face down, licking it off the floor.


Two of my coworkers are running around the room, screaming, with no pants on.


Three of my coworkers collided their cars in the hallway and then started throwing (plastic) food at each other.

Bringing outdoor toys inside has been a must throughout this long and cold winter. We bring the cars in every month or so and let the girls create highways in the living room for a few days. These are not to be confused with the airplane, four wheeler, and tractor that also create new “venues” of fun within the house. It is always quite the hit; once they get bored with them, back outside they go for a few more weeks (ahem..the cars, not the girls…)

One of my coworkers is twirling in a circle, holding a singing stuffed monkey and yelling poopy!

There is a great deal of twirling in our house these days, especially when someone demands some “Tay Tay” (Taylor Swift) and will not be happy until Shake It Off is playing in the background. Typically this is Emerie but everyone will request it from time to time. They are very specific on their music.

My coworker just started a WWF throw down and threw a chair at my other coworker, pinned her down, and sat on her head and giggled hysterically. And a third coworker joined in on it too!

Yes, this just happened…and resulted in some screaming.

Okay, last one!

Three of my coworkers are taking a bubble bath, fighting over the bath faucet, and spraying water everywhere.

I mean, if that can’t make you smile…

The ideas are endless. Let’s hear some of yours??

2 thoughts on “If Toddlers were Coworkers

  1. My 7 year old coworker is laying on the living room floor build with Legos. He says quite seriously, I’m not putting on clothes today. I may never put on clothes again.

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